I hope you enjoy your visit
Jessie James

Thursday, 24 April 2008

I AM Sorry

Well it has been so long since I visited here and yesterday and special friend said to me PLEASE up date your blog as it has not been visited for so long. So Denise here I am saying sorry for the neglect and I will try to visit here on a more regular basis.

Today I am sharing a special prayer that I received via email. I hope no matter what your religion that you will take out of it the love and friendship that it sends and not any other secular thought. You can spread this prayer by just forwarding the blog address or by spreading a little love by saying hello to a stranger. As Jim Reeves sang 'A strangers just a friend you do not know'

If you visit here thank you for doing so and take care


HE ARRIVED THIS MORNING, WE HAD PRAYER, SPENT SOME TIME JUST TALKING, AND THEN, HE WAS ON HIS WAY TO YOUR HOUSE. When he gets to your PC, escort him to the next stop. Please don't allow him to sleep on your PC. The message he is carrying is very important and needs to go round. May God bless you as you do this - AMEN.
Walking for Jesus! Say a prayer, then pass him on to bless others. Our assignment is to love and spread the gospel throughout the world. Have a blessed day and touch somebody's life today! I just did.

I can't credit the artist as their name was not included but god bless you also for this picture