I hope you enjoy your visit
Jessie James

Tuesday, 12 August 2008


Well I got the award and I had to give it away to seven other sites. It is tough because there are so many good blogs around and to get to them all is hard if not impossible. So I surfed and visited and came up with these sites which mean a lot to me.

cens loft I love the look of this and it has so many freebies girls. A very talented lady.

Bloggin our art out I just love the art on here and great inspiration. Must try the bag chains as a gift

Gillian I love Gillian's blog as it is just so professional and she is such a great person. Visit her shop at Snap and Scrap

Heron dance Heron Dance has such great imagery and wonderful paintings.

calamity kim Kim has so much wonderful stuff including that practical old fashioned thing called an apron. Check out the collage ones

my cup 2yours Genny's blog just makes me think sometimes. Great philosophy.

http://afroginmysoup.com/ And Genny led me here to this great sounding blog. When I checked it out I read 'not one day for granted' and realised we all spend so much time trying to be superwoman and forget what matters.

Stop you are a child of God and are entitled to be you and take time out for a cup of java

I did not give to the wonderful friends who drop by so often or who give me awards because I wanted to use this to hopefully expand our visits and maybe meet new friends

1 comment:

Kazza said...

Thank you so much Jessie - I feel very honoured. xx Karen