I hope you enjoy your visit
Jessie James

Monday, 1 September 2008


Well if you come here on the odd occasion you will know that a) I have not been blogging for a while and that is because too much work and b) you will know that I love to put in things that have been sent to me via email.

I love animals and this one just caught my eye and I thought it so great and cute and ahhhh that I just had to share.

These pictures are of Billy the boxer who has become the constant companion of a 12-day old kid called Lilly. He sleeps with the goat, licks her clean, and protects her from any dangers at Pennywell Farm wildlife centre at Buckfastleigh, near Totnes, Devon .

Lilly was abandoned by her mother when she was only a few hours old and adopted by paternal Billy when his owner Elizabeth Tozer began hand rearing the goat. The unusual bond has developed over the last month and the pair are now inseparable. Elizabeth said: 'Lilly follows Billy around which is really quite amusing to watch and Billy sleeps with the goat and cleans her mouth after she feeds.'

Lilly was the smallest of a litter of three kids and her mother abandoned her because she could only care for the two stronger ones. The pair have attracted quite a crowd at the animal centre and the staff are keen to see how their relationship will develop.
One of the reasons why I have been so quiet on my blog is that we have been busy organising a fund raising event for Benoni SPCA and we held the dinner dance on Saturday. It was a fantastic night and we are busy counting how much we have raised. I will be adding photos etc to the SPCA blog this week so keep on checking it out. We are also busy creating the Benoni SPCA web site so keep coming back for more.


Anonymous said...

what a lovely story! Isn't it amazing how these bonds happen? How can anyone say animals don't have feelings?! I am convinced that someday in the future people will look back in amazement at how in the dark we are now about animals and their own intrinsic rights to be.

Denise said...

What a lovely story! Thanks for sharing Jessie! See you soon!

HopScotch said...

Great story Jessie, love the photos, aren't animals amazing? They can sure teach us humans a thing or two about a lack of prejudice!

Anne's Cards said...

Great story,love the photo's!