I must share some stuff with you that I received via email. I have had this poster for ages and in fact received it from ABSA on Women's Day and I just love the picture and the caption.
I am so proud to belong to that sex which is supposedly so weak and yet have you ever marvelled at how women adapt and just put their shoulder to the grind stone and make life work.
How many times have you seen a man lose his job and he is in pieces but a woman takes a deep breath and moves on. Is that because we raise our sons wrong? Do we make them feel that they are of no worth except what their job is?
Is it just a genetic coding that makes the hunter gatherer worthless if he is not out there agathering and ahunting?
Anyway that is my question to you wonderful people out there. I would love to hear your thoughts on it.
Hugs from a WOMAN
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