I hope you enjoy your visit
Jessie James

Thursday, 10 July 2008


Well yesterday (Wednesday) was another eventful day. For those of you who have been following Dotties stay will know that she went with my DD because I had a business meeting in Johannesburg. Well you are not allowed to laugh and think this funny but I got to the venue only to discover I was two days early. Meeting is actually tomorrow. Wow LOL and fall on the floor but this brain is definitely not doing well just now.

Of course Dottie was so sympathetic that I thought she was going to bust a gut and have hysterics. Well you can imagine I was so impressed with my house guest and all you know.

Anyway DD ad her had a great time at our local Mall which is called Lakeside because it is next to a lake - we are quite clever you know not simpletons at all. Here is a view of it for those interested and you can also find out a bit more by going to this site Benoni

As you can see it is shaped like a paddle steamer but it does not move. It is what the navy would call a stone frigate - well you get my drift of course.

So they had great coffee and cinnamon buns at Woolworth's food. I love the coffee there even the skinny cappuccino tastes like real fat stuff. Anyway as usual back to the story.

They shopped and checked out record bars or as they are now CD shops. They didn't buy much but Dottie found some Zulu beaded charms and was fascinated. Here is a picture of a maiden wearing some of them and if your interested here is a link that tells you all about it. Warthog. Being topless is normal for the unmarried women. Of course when they are at work they dress in 'normal' clothing that we would consider normal that is. After all imagine doing the cooking at McDonald's dressed like that it could cause a few nasty moments. Actually I was in a local town recently and there were about 10 Zulu warriors and maidens walking along the high street in traditional clothes and carrying traditional weapons.

If your interested the Warthog link gives a huge amount of information. I think I will add it to my blog as a permanent link. OK I will get back to the story.

Anyway when they got back and after a simple lunch of Butternut soup and Pizza - straight from the local Spar we decided to visit Ruby Bay my DGD's horse. Well Dottie was a bit nervous and obviously so because he is about 17 hands high so no small puppy here - hem sorry horse.

Well he was a perfect gentleman mainly I think cause DGD was there but here is a couple of photos of Dottie and him

As you can see she was on his back for a few moments and did not fall in the poop and also gave his neck a stroke without getting snaffled, bitten or generally hurt.
She loved the open air and just that wonderful smell of horses. Of course she did get a little bit dirty but not to bad.
We then headed home for supper and a bit of relaxation. I have to admit that I am writing this in the morning because I nodded of on the sofa as we were sitting in a nice warm room with the log fire on and I was very tired. Not only is Dottie visiting but we are having our Bathroom and Shower Room tiled and so the mess is unreal.
Today we are going out somewhere special but I am keeping it a secret until later.
Come back soon you all
Jessie and Lots of love to everyone from Dottie


Denise said...

Dottie seems to be having a grand time! Oooo Woolies' food is yummy! I'm not surprised Dottie was a tad wary of the horse. I would have been too!

Jaqi said...

Oh that all sounds fun, We have woolies here, in fact I used to work for woolies when i was just a young lass....many moons ago, LOL
The Horse is a beautiful animal, my daughter used to ride when she was small, but doesnt now, it was her dad that used to take her, im a bit wary of them. Dottie is having so much fun, I think her guardian Chriss should collate all these travels into a little book and create a keepsake.......Dottie isnt going to want to go home she is having such a fab time, Jaqi x

Chriss Rollins said...

Hi came overearly this am but didnt leave my comment ooops meant to come back.
those girls had a graet time...we used to have wa woolworths with an icecream parlour in when i was a child ...befor picnmix and it was all dark wood and brass...nice memories.
and dottie will have some great memories of SA thanx to for giving us an insight into your beautiful country.
chriss x

Susan Hurley-Luke said...

What a fabulous day you all had, though I'm sorry about your business trip mix-up! Dottie was being so good not to laugh out loud like that! (I am prone to a few senior moments myself).

She was also very brave to get up on the horse and stand on his stall. Your GDD looks very relaxed and confortable in the horse's presence!