I hope you enjoy your visit
Jessie James

Sunday, 6 July 2008


Well I don't know how to tell you this but Dottie has been asleep all day. We were supposed to go to my DH for lunch/dinner but DH was not well. I am glad she cancelled cause Dottie has been up for a couple of glasses of water and some tea but is now lying on the chair watching some TV (BBC Prime). Can you believe we have the log fire going and she still has a snuggle balnket. Muffin our dog just tried to jump up next to Dottie and got the fright of her life. (Muffin that is)

Must say I really have been amazed at how her hairstyle has been changing. Don't you think it is looking great. I wish I looked this good in jammies. Actually just wish I looked this good in ANYTHING.
Hugs to all her fans out there from our Dottie the wonder girl


Denise said...

I'm really not surprised Dottie has slept all day! It was a gruelling past few days. By tomorrow she will be up with the sparrows and ready to go!
Hugs to you and Dottie

Jaqi said...

Hi Jessie, Thanks for your kind comments on my blog, I will keep my fingers all crossed for your daughter.
Once Dottie re charges her batteries she will having you running around in circles, just mind she doesnt go off exploring when you think shes fast asleep.....Enjoy your week I cant wait to read what she gets up too, shes very lucky to have such fantastic hosts, you are showing her an amazing time. Jaqi x

Chriss Rollins said...

hey, love her hair... hope she is refreshed and ready to have some fun tomorrow ...think Denise must have worn her out.
Chriss x

Susan Hurley-Luke said...

Oh ity won't be long before Dottie has recharged her batteries and is up and away! I just know it. Hope your DH is well soon though.